We’ve helped countless individuals break free from the grip of trauma and rediscover a life of hope and healing. While many of our clients choose to keep their identifying information private in consideration of confidentiality, their stories of transformation still speak volumes. Hear directly from those who have experienced the profound impact of Neurolease.
transformed from “functional flatness”
I had the good fortune of being referred to Erin Saintil for Neurolease® therapy due to a lifelong depression that wouldn’t budge past the point of a ‘functional flatness’. While medication and other therapies got me past the point of desperation, genuine happiness still seemed out of reach for me.
I consider myself in a good position to evaluate both Neurolease® therapy and Erin, herself, from the vantage point of both patient and therapist as I was a clinical psychologist for 20 years. Without hesitation, I’d say Neurolease® was transformative at a very fundamental level. It made emotional access (to deep issues), insight, and catharsis possible in ways I hadn’t encountered before. Both Erin and Agnes (massage therapist) were especially attuned and skillful. For anyone considering this treatment, I’d enthusiastically endorse it. The results I got were well more than I hoped for.
-Dr. Dana P.
-I never thought I would have hope again.
-I never thought what I was dealing with was finite. (5 sessions)
A family that heals together, stays together!
Erin has literally changed my life! If you are looking for a therapist, you just found her!
I tell anyone who is going through life "stuff" about Erin and give them her info. I have recommended her to 4 of my family members who took the time to go see her and we ALL have the same response, WE LOVE HER and recommended her to everyone we know!
I kid you not, in our family, Erin is a household name.
My two favorite therapies are Brainspotting and Neurolease®. After each session of these two therapies I felt calmer and more present and like I woke up from a long dream and was actually living the life I had created for myself.
The long term effects of these two therapies are astronomical! The Brainspotting seemed to permanently take the "pain" away and the Neurolease® has had a long term calming effect on my emotional life, allowing me to just live peaceably.
Erin is a wonderful, caring, and extremely wise person! She has the ability to be 100% professional while also letting you know she truly cares about your well-being and happiness. She stays up to date in her field and I know, through her, I always have access to the best care possible.
Thank you Erin for all you have done for me personally, my marriage, and my family!
-Lynette Blanton
I am a 45-year-old male that suffers from primary PTSD and secondary depression. I have been a first responder for 12 years and have seen a lot of things that have remained in my thoughts. In addition, I was involved in 2 shootings within three months where both situations resulted in death of the other party. These situations have changed my life. I tried to deal with my issues without professional help and it almost destroyed my marriage and put me in a hole I would not have been able to get out of. Before going to my first Neurolease® appointment, I was detached, emotionless, angry, hypervigilant and suffered from insomnia. I would experience anxiety whenever I went to the range to shoot. This was certainly not me and that’s when I knew I needed help. I was referred to Erin for Neurolease®. I wasn’t too sure what to expect from this treatment, but I was desperate. And I will tell you that I’m glad I went.
My first 2 sessions were very intense and exhausting. As much as I love to drive, I asked my wife to drive home afterwards. During the sessions I didn’t realize it and nor did I feel it, but my hands and feet were moving. Erin talked to me and forced my mind into uncomfortable thoughts. It was not what I wanted to do and I tried to self sooth by removing myself from the situation. Erin would then bring me back to these uncomfortable thoughts. Little did I know I was healing.
By my 3rd session I could actually recognize what was bothering me and started to open myself up to figure out what my mind was trying to resolve. The body work brought a sense of calmness during the session. I am not sure if I would have been able to handle the intensity without it. When I left the session, my wife and I stopped at a busy restaurant to grab food for our ride home. While waiting in line inside, I was talking to my wife, making eye contact and joking. That is when my wife realized that I was not as hypervigilant as I had been in public. Before this, if I went out with my wife I wouldn’t look at her nor would I really pay attention to her because I was paying more attention to my surroundings. When she pointed this out, I realized I wasn’t worried about who was around or who was coming in and out of the restaurant. I didn’t feel the transition, it just happened.
By my 4th session I was able to answer some questions that my mind couldn’t resolve prior to this session. Overall, I was feeling less hypervigilant and was not detached like I had been. I also felt more grounded. In addition, I was felt more emotional. This to me was a good indicator that I was connecting with myself. I was even able to sleep.
I’ve had several other sessions and each one has gotten easier. Neurolease® has been helpful in not only saving my life but also my marriage. I have since been sleeping better, eating better and exercising. I have less anxiety and I am more focused when going to the range to shoot. One of the other things I found helpful is that when I went through the process I did not have to talk very much. I just laid down and let them work their magic. I have a clearer head now and I owe it to Neurolease®.
Before I was always so numb. I realized I was in a constant freeze state. Now I actually feel things. When I have anxiety, it is for a purpose. I can feel it.
My stomach pain went away!
After suffering with stomach pains for decades, it was suggested to me that I needed to accept it was never going to go away. As a result, I didn't even consider it in the equation when I had my Neurolease® treatment.
After my 1st treatment in September 2018, I noticed it was gone and it hasn't come back. Little did I know it was connected to an emotion, which kept getting triggered.
Months later when something else popped up, I noticed I had the inclination to engage in old behaviors. I worried I was going to overeat. Then it dawned on me that I didn't have to. I felt a sense of relief knowing Neurolease® would help. I called Erin for an appointment and she got me in right away. I felt 1000 times better afterwards.
Neurolease® is an honoring and respectful process. They were very professional, and I never felt judged. Today, I feel stronger, calmer, more confident and have increased feelings of well-being. It is an amazing process.
I've been Neuroleased!"
-Crystal MacRitchie, LCSW
I used to be so good at being passive aggressive
I used to be so good at being passive aggressive, it was almost fun. It kind of sucks that I can’t be anymore. I still think of things I could do, but my body rejects the motion toward it. It is just a waste of time and energy.
After a serious accident I thougHT I was going to be in chronic pain and never walk right again
After a serious accident and no weight bearing for over 12 weeks, I had to learn how to walk again. Out of the blue, I stopped making progress in physical therapy. The surgeon and physical therapists couldn’t figure out why my previous gains began to slip away. I was becoming increasingly agitated and worried I was going to have to live in constant pain with a limited ability to walk.
It didn’t make sense to me until after Neurolease®. The mere pain from the next phase of physical therapy was throwing my body back into the freeze state. It was like my body thought the therapy was another accident! When I had my Neurolease® session, the release of pent up energy from the freeze state was shocking. I couldn’t stop my arms from flapping all over for what seemed like 5 minutes.
When I went to get up from the table, I thought I would have my usual issue standing and trying to get my balance to begin taking steps. The fluid gait was remarkable. What was holding me back in therapy was all of my muscles stuck in the freeze state.
As soon as I walked into physical therapy after Neurolease®, the other physical therapists started commenting and asked what I did that was walking better! My own PT got so excited she started taking measurements to document the difference.
You Just have to experience it
It’s not something you can explain. You just have to experience it.
-Male with childhood PTSD, 4 sessions
I slept real hard after. Actual quality of sleep vs. too much sleep. I usually slept too much and never felt rested.
I cannot thank you enough, you saved my life.
-First Responder
It gave me the answers i never knew i was looking for
Erin Saintil has been a lifesaver. I’ve been a client for a very long time and say with the upmost confidence-she helped give me the tools I needed to navigate this topsy-turvy world.
We were together for talk therapy, EMDR, Brain Spotting and most recently, Neurolease® which has given me answers that I never knew I was looking for.
I had no hesitations or concerns to contact Erin for any follow-up. If I could give her 1,000 (STARS), I would.
- Sheila Ray
POOF! BAck to normal
All the trigger associations went away. My body was like poof! Back to normal. I don’t have the anxiety or stress in my chest all the time. It feels weird not to have it. I catch myself looking for it. I now have restless ambition.
I always needed things to be a certain way. Now I realize if things don't happen, I won't die. Never have I said that before.
I am more assertive. With what I need and don’t want. It is very liberating- people can get mad and things won’t end.
I am exercising more. I now like that I am exercising and enjoy it rather than feel like exercise is horrible. It’s awesome to feel that.
I keep telling everyone I did in 3 sessions what would have been a years worth of therapy!