I am a 45-year-old male that suffers from primary PTSD and secondary depression. I have been a first responder for 12 years and have seen a lot of things that have remained in my thoughts. In addition, I was involved in 2 shootings within three months where both situations resulted in death of the other party. These situations have changed my life. I tried to deal with my issues without professional help and it almost destroyed my marriage and put me in a hole I would not have been able to get out of. Before going to my first Neurolease® appointment, I was detached, emotionless, angry, hypervigilant and suffered from insomnia. I would experience anxiety whenever I went to the range to shoot. This was certainly not me and that’s when I knew I needed help. I was referred to Erin for Neurolease®. I wasn’t too sure what to expect from this treatment, but I was desperate. And I will tell you that I’m glad I went.
My first 2 sessions were very intense and exhausting. As much as I love to drive, I asked my wife to drive home afterwards. During the sessions I didn’t realize it and nor did I feel it, but my hands and feet were moving. Erin talked to me and forced my mind into uncomfortable thoughts. It was not what I wanted to do and I tried to self sooth by removing myself from the situation. Erin would then bring me back to these uncomfortable thoughts. Little did I know I was healing.
By my 3rd session I could actually recognize what was bothering me and started to open myself up to figure out what my mind was trying to resolve. The body work brought a sense of calmness during the session. I am not sure if I would have been able to handle the intensity without it. When I left the session, my wife and I stopped at a busy restaurant to grab food for our ride home. While waiting in line inside, I was talking to my wife, making eye contact and joking. That is when my wife realized that I was not as hypervigilant as I had been in public. Before this, if I went out with my wife I wouldn’t look at her nor would I really pay attention to her because I was paying more attention to my surroundings. When she pointed this out, I realized I wasn’t worried about who was around or who was coming in and out of the restaurant. I didn’t feel the transition, it just happened.
By my 4th session I was able to answer some questions that my mind couldn’t resolve prior to this session. Overall, I was feeling less hypervigilant and was not detached like I had been. I also felt more grounded. In addition, I was felt more emotional. This to me was a good indicator that I was connecting with myself. I was even able to sleep.
I’ve had several other sessions and each one has gotten easier. Neurolease® has been helpful in not only saving my life but also my marriage. I have since been sleeping better, eating better and exercising. I have less anxiety and I am more focused when going to the range to shoot. One of the other things I found helpful is that when I went through the process I did not have to talk very much. I just laid down and let them work their magic. I have a clearer head now and I owe it to Neurolease®.